Building Diversity: How Canada’s Construction Industry is Embracing Inclusivity and Resilience

October 15, 2024 by
Building Diversity: How Canada’s Construction Industry is Embracing Inclusivity and Resilience
Remutate Inc.

The Canadian construction industry is making significant strides towards inclusivity by increasing female participation and supporting underrepresented groups. With organizations like CAWIC and the CWB Foundation playing pivotal roles in developing programs that empower women to enter skilled trades. These initiatives, coupled with inclusive leadership training and supplier diversity programs, are helping to cultivate workplaces where everyone can thrive. By embracing these DEI strategies, the industry is not only addressing labor shortages but also building a more resilient and innovative future.

  •  Growing Workforce Diversity:  Women make up 12% of the construction workforce, and companies are committed to boosting that number through recruitment and development programs.
  • Empowering Women in Skilled Trades:  Initiatives like the CWB Foundation’s Women of Steel™ offer pre-employment training for women in trades like welding, helping diversify the field.
  • Inclusive Leadership:  Construction firms are training leaders to manage diverse teams effectively, building cultures where all voices are valued.
  • Supplier Diversity:  Companies are expanding DEI strategies through partnerships with women-owned and minority-owned businesses, bringing more perspectives into the industry.
  • A Collaborative Effort:  Organizations like CAWIC are paving the way for an inclusive future in construction, helping to solve labour shortages and enhance industry resilience.

Our mission is to help industries like construction build inclusive, equitable workplaces through DEI insights and customized solutions. Whether you need training programs or supplier diversity strategies, Remutate provides the tools to create thriving workplaces for everyone.

Let’s build an inclusive future together.


2024 Women in Construction Report, CAWIC Research

Women of Steel Programs, CWB Foundation

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