• Welcome Dayoung Nam to Remutate Inc.!

    I’m stoked to introduce Dayoung Nam, our newest Software Developer at Remutate Inc.! Dayoung is a Student Scholar from the University of Toronto. Despite her youth, she brings a wealth of international experience, having lived in countries such as Indonesia, Thailand, Korea, and now Canada. I’m truly honoured to have someone with her diverse background…

  • Ethical AI by Design: Remutate’s Approach to Responsible Innovation and Bias Mitigation

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) isn’t leaving any time soon, and neither are we at Remutate. In the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence (AI), the question of ethics stands at the forefront of technical advancement. Our team at Remutate takes a bold stance on this issue with our commitment to “Ethical AI by Design.” Our approach…

  • Remutate @ Collision Conf 2024

    I’m delighted to announce that Remutate Inc. is taking part in Collision Conf this year, 2024, and will be joining the startup program! More details on what we’re brewing for the event in the coming weeks/months. Also, a quick shoutout to Paul Mckay. I had fun talking with him. See you there!